About My Project

Dear Family and Friends,

 When I was 7 years-old, I completed a 25 mile walk-a-thon to help eradicate world hunger.

 When I was 12, I completed a 20 mile bike ride to help eradicate birth defects.

 In my 20’s, I completed several AIDS walk-a-thons to help eradicate this terrible disease.

 In my 30’s, I organized and completed a 10 hour Learn-a-thon to help raise funds for Yeshivat Bat Ayin in Israel to help eradicate their financial woes.

 In each case, I came to my friends and family for help in sponsoring me, and so now that I am in my (Yes, I’ll admit it), forties I’m coming to you all again.

 This time I have come up with an idea for you all to help me achieving a goal that has been eluding me these last years, and help a worthwhile cause at the same time.

I am doing a WEIGHT-LOSS-A-THON to eradicate some serious flab (and raise money for two good causes)! I am dedicating myself to losing 45 lbs.  I am asking you all to pledge a minimum of 50 cents a pound (no maximum!). 

 The money will go to help The Jewish Women’s Repertory Company – an amazing theatre company founded by Margy Horowitz , that gives an opportunity for women throughout the entire spectrum of Jewish practice (and non-practice) to come together to create wonderful shows for the women of Los Angeles.  It is so rare these days for Jews to come together without arguing about our differences,  however, in the JWRC, through our mutual love of performing, we establish strong bonds of friendship that defy the usually segregating labels we give ourselves.  And we always put on a great, very professional show!

Additionally, The Jewish Women’s Repertory Company donates a portion of the proceeds from its shows to Aleinu Family Resource Center, a program of Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles* .

So either way, you’d be giving to a great cause!  And the bonus is, that with the extra motivation of trying to raise money, you are helping me achieve my weight-loss goal!

So, if you are still with me, I’m asking for pledges per pound lost between now and Dec. 1st (the show, Annie Get Your Gun, opens Dec. 4th)  and in return, I will be running a daily update blog (Yossie’s suggestion- he says it might be inspiring for some folks – I guess we’ll see.)  b7blog.wordpress.com (no www. in front) for anyone who wants to follow my progress.  Just so you know I’m not making up numbers to get money, I will include pictures on the blog, and I am using a diet coach, Debi Pomerantz (www.dietcoachgirl.com)

 Please let me know if I can add you to my pledge list by giving me your name and amount per pound you are pledging.  Even if you can’t pledge at this time, feel free to check the blog and send encouraging messages and don’t forget:  If you are female and in Los Angeles the first week of Dec., please come see our play!

Thank you so much,

Batsheva Frankel (aka Susan)

 *From the Aleinu web site (www.aleinu.net): With more than twenty services provided to our community, Aleinu reaches out with comprehensive, integrated social services. What Aleinu does best is listen and respond – providing people of all ages with the encouragement and tools they need to become productive and self-reliant.


  1. Hey Batsheva,

    This is such a cool idea- you are so creative! Motivation and Tzedakah (for a very worthwhile cause might I add!!) at the same time

    How do we pledge money?

    Good luck accomplishing you goal!

    Much Love,


    • Hey Nina!
      You can pledge by telling me how much you want to pledge per pound (minimum is .50 cents, no maximum!) and I’ll jot it down. When I’ve either reached my goal or reached Dec. 1, which ever comes first, I will tally each person’s totals and tell you how to send it in (via internet or check). Thank you so much for your support!

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